RealTalk by KCM Overview

This article will cover the RealTalk by KCM feature! This feature allows you to view, edit, or create a script within your desktop Member Area, and then record your videos in the KCM Mobile App.

Using a Pre-Written Script

Creating a Script from Scratch

Recording Your Video

Using a Pre-Written Script:

You can choose the script you would like to record by starting in your Desktop KCM Member Area, or within your KCM Mobile App.

RT Overview 1

Desktop Member Area: 
This option is best if you would like to edit your script. Select “Edit in ScriptBuilder” at the bottom of script to make your updates, and then save.

RT Overview Image 1

KCM Mobile App: This option is great if you are looking to record your video as-is!  Select “Scripts” from the top of your content library and select a script to record. 

Creating a Script from Scratch:

In the Desktop Member Area, select “My Scripts” and then “Create a New Script.”  This will give you 2 options:

RT Overview 2

Use a KCM Template: Select a Template that pulls in your Local data and visuals and creates a written summary of the visual using the AI Wizard (beta). Note: Always review AI-generated copy for accuracy and bias before recording.

RT Overview 3

Start From Scratch: 
Add text within the text block to get started! Then use the Plus icon to add additional elements of your script. Choose from Image, Text, or AI Wizard to continue creating your script, and save when it is complete. Note: Always review AI-generated copy for accuracy and bias before recording.

Recording Your Video:

When you are ready to record, open the script with the KCM Mobile App. (Note: Edited Scripts will be available under “My Scripts”).  Select “Record in RealTalk,” and you will see 3 options after selecting your script:

  • Customize This Script: Make additional text edits to the script here.
  • Rehearse This Video: Practice reading your script! This will not record your video but allows you to get comfortable with the text size and speed.
  • Record This Video: This will count you down to start recording your RealTalk video.

Once your video is recorded, you can “Start Over” or “Preview” your video. When you are happy with your recording, you can use the icons to Download or Share! Note: Recorded videos are not stored within the KCM Mobile App. Download your video to save this to your mobile device. 

  • The Share icon will allow you to share to any social media app on your mobile device. 

If you have any further questions, feel free to contact our Support Team on this page, and we'll be happy to help!