MMR and Deep Dive Overview

Your KCM Membership provides you with ongoing education on what is happening in the real estate market! 

This article will cover:

Monthly Market Report (MMR)  

The Monthly Market Report is a comprehensive walkthrough of the most up-to-date information regarding the real estate market. Future editions will be released by the 10th of each month.  This report is included in the Expert and Elite Plans.

  •  To access your MMR, select “Market Updates” on the left-hand side of your KCM Member Area. 
  • From there, you will see the most recently published MMR at the top of your screen.
  • You can access an archive of previous MMRs by scrolling down on the “Market Update” page as well. 
  • Once you have selected an MMR, you will see the following options:
    • Any resources for the report will be linked to the left, directly below the report's recording.  
    • To the right, you can download a PDF or PowerPoint version of the report. You can also download the Script of the MMR as well. 
    • You will see an option to play an audio version of the report. 

DD Screenshot 1

  • You can also view the slides used in the report. Once you select an individual slide, you can personalize the slide with your branding. 


  • Lastly, you can either share these slides directly to your sphere or download them to your desktop.  


Weekly Deep Dive 

The Weekly Deep Dive is another resource for market education that is offered weekly! Join us every Monday Morning at 11amET/8amPT in the KCM Connect Facebook group for a live housing market Deep Dive. You can also watch a replay directly within your KCM Member Area. 

  • To access your Deep Dive replay, you will want to select “Market Updates” on the left-hand side of your KCM Member Area. 
  • From there, you will see the most recently published Deep Dive at the top of your screen.
  • You can access an archive of previous Deep Dives by scrolling down on the “Market Update” page as well.
  • Once you have selected a Deep Dive replay, you can view and download slides used in the report. Once you select an individual slide, you can personalize this slide with your branding.


  • Lastly, you can either share these slides directly to your sphere or download them to your desktop. 


If you have any further questions, feel free to contact our Support Team on this page, and we'll be happy to help!